Virtual Career Day

Jenna Mangan

This past programming day, Thursday March 4th, Gwynedd held their first virtual career day! Several alumnae speakers joined zoom calls throughout the day to discuss their careers with our current students. From community planning to the fashion industry, Gwynedd students got the chance to learn about a wide variety of careers. The freshmen and juniors enjoyed the day on Gwynedd’s campus, while seniors and sophomores tuned in virtually. Our alumnae speakers talked briefly about each of their careers while engaging the students in pleasant conversations. They spoke about their own personal experiences at Gwynedd and how that influenced their career paths. They gave insightful information about topics such as finding internships, choosing a major in college, and studying abroad. Each speaker did a fantastic job fielding each of the student’s questions and broadening student’s understandings of each of their careers. Gwynedd girls got the opportunity to find out more about a career that sparked their interest or a job they could see themselves doing in the future. Overall, it was another successful career day at Gwynedd!