The next day, I woke up filled with bliss. I had never felt so satisfied in my life; I had gotten the boy. All I wanted to do was scream and shout and let the world know! But I couldn’t…this had to stay a secret. A Glimmerthorn dating a WcJingle would cause havoc throughout all of Elderglen. I was determined to figure out how I could see Kelleno again.
I decided I would fly to Kelleno. However, I had to think of a place I could tell my mom I was going to. I thought and thought and finally came to a conclusion. I would call up my fairy friend Hana. Hana and I told my mom we were going to hang out with some male fairy friends. “Okay,” my mom said, “Make sure there’s no elves going. Especially that WcJingle boy. I saw him at the gala last night, and he seemed like trouble,” My stomach dropped. I felt awful hiding this from my mom, but I had to. I told her not to worry and then I was on my merry way. Hana and I met up with Kelleno and Tommo. Tommo and Hana had been dating for a while, but they were always fighting. Kelleno and I got away from them as fast as possible so we could have some alone time together. He grabbed my hand and said, “There’s something I want to show you,”
He led me through the forest and up a mountain. What I saw stunned me. It was an alleyway surrounded by breathtaking mountains. The mountains and clouds were reflected off the colors of the sky, creating the most beautiful purple and pink mountain scene. There was also a rainbow. In Elderglen, the rainbow was a sign of something eternal and lucky. It was rare to see one, and legend has it whoever you see a rainbow with will be in your life forever. “How did you find this place?” I exclaimed. He told me he has done a lot of exploring in his day. Then, he started to tell me why…
Kelleno went on the most heartbreaking tangent about his father. He explained that him and his father fight all the time, and it truly drains him; so, he tries to get out of the house as often as he can. My heart broke for my poor boy. I wanted to help him. I wanted to be there for him. I opened my arms and heart as I eloped him in biggest hug, while wiping the tears from his stunning face. We sat there for hours, wrapped in each other’s arms. If I wasn’t sure about him before, I was now. I was in love with Kelleno WcJingle, and he was in love with me. Nothing else mattered when I was with him. He took every ounce of pain and worry from my heart. He was perfect.
The next few weeks were an emotional roller coaster. They were happy, but oh so stressful. Kelleno and I had to think of ways we could see each other. Somehow, we managed to spend every waking moment together. We frolicked through strawberry fields, played with animals, climbed trees, and fell madly in love in the process.
We had gotten so confident in our sneaking around skills that we started to become slightly careless. One day, Kelleno told me his family would be out all day long, as they were traveling to Sweet Grove Berry Farm. They had to load up on berries since they were running out. It’s quite the journey to Sweet Grove, so we assumed they’d be gone all day. We were so excited. We finally had the house to ourselves. I was wrapped in his arms when we heard the doorknob turn. We jumped up from our spooning position, but it was too late. Standing in front of me was Mr. WcJingle. This was about to be bad.
“HOW DARE YOU BRING A GLIMMERTHORN INTO OUR HOUSE. WHAT IS GOING ON?” Mr. WcJingle exclaimed. I trembled in fear. It hurt my heart seeing my boy with such agony in his eyes. Kelleno began to step forward. “You don’t have to do this,” I whispered softly. Kelleno took a deep breath and continued to move towards his father.
“Father, my heart belongs to Rosaletta Glimmerthorn. She is the light of my life, the essence of my happiness. No words nor force could ever compel me to leave her,”
Mr. WcJingle stood there, his face growing increasingly rosy. I was waiting for him to say something, but he did not. He stepped forward towards Kelleno, slapped him, then pushed him to the ground while screaming, “HOW DARE YOU”
I couldn’t bear to see my boy being tormented like this. I tried to hold myself back, I really did, but I could not.
“Stop hurting him! Don’t you want him to be happy? How could you wound the tender heart of your own flesh and blood?” I yelped. Mr. WcJingle picked me up by my wings and dragged me back to my house. He told my mother everything. Let’s just say things got a lot worse from there…