Somebody once told me I reminded them of the winter
The most dreaded season of all
The time families plan their vacations to escape
My icy demeanor so big it makes others feel small
Depression does that to a person
Takes the summer out of who you used to be
Suffocating like the snow, cold as the wind that blows
I am no longer like the sun, someone who glows
I hide away behind my bedroom door
In the dark, under a blanket, hiding from the world I once used to know
The New Year is coming up
I’m not sure if the brightness that was once inside me will come back
I spend most nights on my bathroom floor
Down on my knees crying out to the Lord
Every new year makes me wonder if I can handle any more
I see why people like the spring, there’s nothing to dread like the winter you can find in me
I am a Hellebore, a flower that blooms in the snow
A crippled winter rose no one likes to grow
Harsh conditions surround, blizzards and freezing rain
Why can’t I just be a sunflower? Something so plain
Is winter all bad? Do I bring no joy?
What about crackling fires or a brand-new Christmas toy?
The joy of a snow day or hot chocolate so warm
How’s waking up to no school because of a violent winter storm?
Winter can be beautiful; I see beauty in me
Like a breath of fresh air, so free
There’s comfort in the cold, behind the layers of ice
A warm blanket that wraps you up
Like a sweet soul that’s just starting to shine bright
God’s grace seeps through my skin
My cold facade is finally starting to thin
Praise the Lord, the one who made me warm again
~ Gentle Pain, a one that passes from winter to the spring rain