On the second day back to school for the 2024-25 year, the members of Gwynedd Mercy’s class of 2025 (our 2enior5!) celebrated their senior tailgate, with students arriving early in the morning to set up their car trunks in the senior parking lot and decorate them with golden “25” balloons, streamers, flags and other colorful decor. Following a Barbie-pink theme from last year and a pajamas and sleepover one from the year before that, this year’s beloved concept was “Our Last Rodeo,” and many cowboy hats and boots were spotted at the bittersweet event, worn by the seniors as they listened and, of course, danced to Gwynedd spirit and country songs and shared sweet treats and delicious breakfast foods with one another. Many photos that will be treasured forever were taken this morning, commemorating the start to the seniors’ final year at the academy.
Senior Tailgate: Our Last Rodeo
Lucy Ke, Editor-in-Chief
September 24, 2024
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Lucy Ke, Editor-In-Chief
Lucy Ke is a senior here at Gwynedd Mercy, and she is so excited to take on the role of Editor-in-Chief of the Magnet! Other than her participation in Monarch Media Productions, she leads AAPI Alliance Club, Psychology Club, Orchestra, Lead4Change and Reading Olympics and is involved in Ambassadors, choirs, L.E.A.D. and the speech and debate team.