Soccer’s Senior Celebration

Kalie Mogg, Editor

Gwynedd’s soccer program has been on a roll this year! Last week, they took the time to recognize, celebrate, and show some extra love to the seniors on the team. Unfortunately, it rained pretty hard right before the game, which prevented the underclassmen from decorating the seniors’ cars and hanging up signs they made for their senior teammates. This didn’t stop them from going above and beyond to show their love and appreciation for the seniors by hanging the signs and decorating the cars the day after, when the weather was more fit. On senior night, all the senior players and managers were announced. All these seniors walked with their parents in recognition for all they’ve given to the soccer program over their time at Gwynedd. Both the varsity and JV team played against Merion Mercy and both came out on top, which gave everyone another thing to celebrate. When the game was finished, the entire soccer program, coaches, players, managers, and parents, were invited back to the Gwynedd cafeteria where they were served Pancheros for dinner. After dinner, every senior was given a cake with their name and number written on it and cupcakes were provided for the rest of the team. Writing from the perspective of a senior team manager, the Gwynedd soccer program is so special and I will always be grateful to have been a part of the team. However, the seasons not over yet and playoffs are coming up quick—keep up the good work soccer!