Gwynedd Celebrates the Fine Arts

Olivia Carlo, Writer

Gwynedd Mercy Academy’s annual Arts Festival was held this year on Tuesday, April 26th. The night consisted of beautiful displays from the fine arts department. From paintings and drawings to sculptures and mosaics to singing and instrumentals, the night was truly incredible. The festival began with spectators walking through the art displays in the performing arts lobby and the glass and gold corridors where they could soak in the beauty of the art that Gwynedd students created. Guests were awaited with smiling faces from the artists and were able to talk and ask questions about the pieces they saw. The artists displaying works were students from all of Mrs. Hohenstein’s art classes, the art scholarship recipients, and any other Gwynedd student who wanted to display their work. Throughout the festival, guests also had an opportunity to enjoy hors d’oeuvres courtesy of the Brock chefs at Gwynedd. Around 7 p.m,  guests made their way into the performing arts center to watch the music portion of the night. All of Gwynedd’s musical groups were featured including Jazz Band, Girls with Guitars, Orchestra, Glee Club, Chorale, Mercy Melismatics, and other individual and duet performances featuring Gwynedd students. The night wrapped up after the final musical number, and once again this year’s GMA Arts Festival was a successful and enjoyable night for all!